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Avoid distraction as freelancer

Distractions at work are a part of a worker’s life and he should learn to accept that. He should develop the right skills of how to successfully deal with distractions like adaptability, flexibility and the ability to adjust in any given situation for his own...

Make Extra Money on the Weekend freelancing

If you are working 7 days week then you are probably tied up during the week. you do not have a lot of time to chase after other money making ventures. If you are up to it there are many things that you can do on the weekend to make a bit of extra money. If you are...

Freelance software development career

The Software Development, programming and web development industry is set to change. Now days, big or small business owner prefer to outsource their software development projects to affordable freelancers. By outsourcing their software development work they can save...

Learn from Mistake

Home based work has its own set of challenges. Here is a list of mistakes that you should avoid. Lack of Initial Planning : A home based venture can be started any time and in any manner that you want. There are no plans to be approved and no blueprint to be prepared....

Data entry business

Work from home is one of the fastest growing businesses in the world. It is becoming a passion to work from home and make money online. Thousands of companies in the US and European countries had already started outsourcing their data entry positions, thus saving...